October Archive

Properties/Settings Panel has been relocated

The properties panel that displays when selecting content from your website page has been relocated to the right side of the builder.

Why did we do this?

  • Easier to use with all the previous settings and improved functionality
  • Free up space on the website page for accessible design
  • Speed up the creation process by not having to move the panel around

Just click an image or text block on your website page. Then click the tab (i.e. text or image) on the right panel. Click through each of the headings to find the setting you wish to change.

See our Help Guide for specifics on how each setting works by clicking "(?)Help" in the builder or visiting our Help Center.

Added Simple Design Layouts

Simple layout designs have been added as a great start for those of you who want to start from scratch, but need layout ideas to help frame the look and feel of your website.

Here's how to use our simple layouts:

  • Click Live Preview and select a Simple Layout when choosing a design
  • Select customize this design to edit the layout
  • Click text and images on the layout
  • Use the right hand settings panel to replace our layout with your content
  • Replace background images with your own by using the Site Settings menu found under Settings at the top of the website builder

Snap to Grid

Create pixel perfect designs fast.

  • Text boxes, images and other content snap to the grid to create a pixel perfect design
  • Rulers and guidelines line up content to help you organize your website content quickly
  • Change guideline and grid colors to give you a clear reference point for moving content
  • Works when moving content around or dragging content onto your website

The ruler and grid settings are located in the Settings Menu under Builder Settings found at the top of the website builder. Turn them on to get started.

Makes website creation more efficient, organized and consistent providing a better end result and customer experience!

Did You Know?

You can use any of our professional designs and make them your own. By replacing the copy, images and font styles, you can transform our design into yours.

Need Help?

You can find all the great help resources available to you from our Support page by clicking Menu and then the Support button.