What's New this month in the Website Builder

More Images for your Website available through our Partner BigStock™

We've partnered with BigStock, a leading image provider to give you beautiful images for your website. These images are made available to you through the Image button, Stock images section within the website builder's content manager and are included in your package. You can use these on your website and can search using keywords for images that portray your website's message.

If you need additional images, you can now use the new BigStock link and sign up to receive images monthly from BigStock. This great resource is offered by our partner at a low price per image. Here are just a few ways you can use these images:

  • Website pages & galleries
  • Social media posts
  • Email marketing campaigns
  • Printed marketing materials
  • Signage
  • Holiday Cards
  • And more

Refreshing your images and content on a regular basis helps improve your website's Search Engine Optimization (SEO). And remember to tag your images with a description or ALT tag to ensure that search engines can make sure they are relevant.

If you need help using these images on your website contact one of our website coaches.

10 New Design Templates

10 new design templates have been added to the website builder this month. Each design template comes with professional images, industry-related copy and SEO keywords to provide you a great starting point. Check these out!

Did You Know?

You can use any of our professional designs and make them your own. By replacing the copy, images and font styles, you can transform our design into yours.

Need Help?

You can find all the great help resources available, including live support phone numbers from our Support page. Click Site Builder and then the Support button inside the builder. See our online interactive help guide and use the key in search bar or left menu for comprehensive help.